BlackJack Commands Prefix: +
Attack your friends and enemies with various items and weapons hidden in Lootcord's item boxes. Lootcord features two options for attacking: Free for All - Attack any active user of your choice by @ing them. Blackjack-bot is a simple blackjack simulator that allows a discord server to host a blackjack game in chat. Blackjack-bot is written in Python. It is able to play a basic version of Blackjack, which means that it does not support the splitting of one's hand, insurance, surrendering, or double downing.
This a fun bot featuring gambling commands. Egt games online, free 2 player.
The bot has the prefix “+”
You can use +help to get a DM with all commands.
Commands are not case sensitive!
Ran out of chips? No worries. We have kits that you can claim to get more chips!
View cooldowns for these with +cooldown
Discord Blackjack Bot
- daily
- hourly
- weekly
- supporter
Every 12 hours you can upvote the bot for EPIC rewards! +vote
Discord Blackjack Plugin
Netbet casino live chat. You will receive XP for every chip you earn.
If you get enough XP you will rankup and get higher rewards from kits!
How To Add Blackjack Bot To Discord
You can view a list of all ranks and their required XP with +ranks